Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Rabbit Sleep under Palm Tree

There was a rabbit that was sleeping improperly under the palm tree. Suddenly, one of the palm tree’s leaves had fallen down which de a loud noise as the earthquake. The rabbit got up immediately and started running without looking back. While he was running, he met a cow that was eating grass. The cow asked, “Rabbit! Why do you run?” The cow replied. “Do not ask me… Hurry up! Run now because the earthquake is coming soon.” The cow believed that the rabbit was the wise animal, so he ran after the rabbit. They both had run for a while, they met a hog. Seeing they both run like this, the hog asked, “Why do you run?” The cow answered, “Earthquake is coming soon.” The hog believed and rafter them. Three of them had run for awhile, they met an elephant who was picking up the fruits. After listening to their story, the elephant began running after them. They had run for awhile, they met Leo. “Why do you run?” the Leo asked. “We run because the rabbit said the earthquake is coming soon,” elephant, hog, and cow answered. The Leo asked the rabbit. “I run because there was an earthquake in my dream. At that time, the palm tree’s leaf fallen down near me. That’s why I assumed that it is real,” the rabbit answered.

Moral Values
. Do not trust what you get from one of your five senses.
. Do not trust whoever is older, have higher social status, or have more knowledge than ou.
. Trust on what you have clear evidence and consideration.

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