Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Rabbit and the Toad

There was a rabbit that was looking for food. He met a cucumber field and then tried to jump into that field. Without looking down, he got his feet caught in a trap. The rabbit was trying hard to get out of the trap, but could not which gave him an idea, “My life will be over now.” At that time, there was an old toad jumping up and down nearby. An idea had come into his mind to get away from danger, so the rabbit asked toad, “Eh! Toad, what do you catch a disease on your whole body?” The toad answered, “I got ringworm which cannot cure for a long time.” The rabbit continued, “Brother, if you help me to get away from this trap, I will cure you.” The toad agreed with the rabbit and tried hard to nibble the rope until it torn.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Eagle, the Cat and the Sow

On a large tree, there lived an eagle on the top of the tree, a cat in a hole where was in the middle of tree, and a sow with her children in a hole at the base of tree. The cat was a greedy animal and wanted to own the whole tree. He went to the nest of the eagle and said, “We are in danger because a sow that lived at the base of tree digs in the ground everyday. She wants to pull down this tree in order to kill our family for her children’s food. After hearing the cat’s words, the eagle was frightened and worried. Then, he climbed down the tree to the sow’s hole and said, “Poor sow! Do you know that you are in danger? The cruel eagle that is living on the top of the tree always intends to catch your children.” From that time on, between the eagle and the sow, they were always afraid of each other and dared not to go out to look for foods. Soon, they lost their lives to starvation.

Moral Values
. People’s word is two-faced weapon which can result in peace and pain.
. Don’t trust someone yet if you don’t get the point.

. Coward always makes people lose their possibilities.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Crow and the Goose

There was a narration about a crow roosting on a branch of a tree. He saw a goose with white feather swimming. When the goose met small fishes, he swam after them until they became his food. This made the crow happy to see. The crow said, “I really want to have white feather as goose. Do you know how I should do?” The goose didn’t reply and swam quietly. The crow thought, “How boastful this goose is! Hide, disagree to answer and also ignore my question.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Monkey and the Tree-trunk

There was a millionaire who had started constructing Buddisht temple near a forest in the suburb. Everyday, the wood carpenters and the workers always went to have lunch in the city. One day, a group of monkey had arrived at the construction place. A wood carpenter had chiseled the tree-trunk and inserted a pole to prevent the tree from falling down, and then he went away. Those monkeys played on the top of the trees and the structure of the temple without worrying. The parents of monkeys told their kids not to play near the trees where the worker had worked because it was dangerous. A little monkey had doubted about what danger was, so he went to sit in a free gap of the tree-trunk and pulled the pole out.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Lion Falls in Love

A lion had demanded to marry a daughter of a woodman. The woodman didn’t want this daughter to marry the lion, but he dared not to disagree. So, he tried to find way to solve the problem. Later, the woodman thought of an idea by setting condition that whenever the lion can do what he wants, he will agree with the lion. The woodman told the lion to take its teeth away and cut all its claws because these two things could make the woodman’s daughter frightened.

The Rabbit sticks-on the Tree-trunk

One day, while the rabbit was looking for food, he met a tree-trunk which had just cut down and there was some rison on it. The rabbit jumped to sit on it and sticked his buttock on the tree-trunk which made him could not move. At that time, a little elephant had come to drink the water in the pond nearby. The rabbit threatened, “Eh! A little elephant! Don’t come to drink my water because I am assigned by the king of angels to keep watch on this water.” The little elephant was frightened and dared not to drink. He went back to tell his mother. The female elephant was furious and brought her child back to the pond. She saw the rabbit sitting on the tree-trunk. Suddenly, the elephant rolled the rabbit up with her tusk from the tree-trunk in an attempt to kill him by throwing down.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Family of Bear

There was one family of bear lived on a mountain. Every day, the father of bear always went to look for food to support family. One day, the father of bear was sick, and he could not go out to look for food as usual. He said to his wife, “Darling! Today, I’m not well, so I couldn’t go out. Can you go to look for food instead of me?” The wife replied, “Yes, I can, dear. But, I have a lot of housework. I’m not sure I can do it.” At that time, the children spoke up, “We can help you, mom.” The father continued, “Well, darling! Our children are big enough to help you.