Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Crow and the Goose

There was a narration about a crow roosting on a branch of a tree. He saw a goose with white feather swimming. When the goose met small fishes, he swam after them until they became his food. This made the crow happy to see. The crow said, “I really want to have white feather as goose. Do you know how I should do?” The goose didn’t reply and swam quietly. The crow thought, “How boastful this goose is! Hide, disagree to answer and also ignore my question. Perhaps his feather is white because he is always in the water.” With this idea, the crow flew down and dove into the water. When he rose up, his feather was still black. The crow was ashamed of himself and with the goose, and he was also cold so that he rose up immediately and flew away.

Moral Values
. There is nothing to do with confidence that results from seeing only without thinking.
. Before you follow the other, you should think about advantages and disadvantages.
. If you don’t get the answer yet, you should keep asking before you decide to do something in order to prevent disadvantage.

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