Saturday, January 11, 2014

Narin Boy

Narin was the son of one family who lived on the riverside. When he was young, Narin father had taught him how to swim. Narin tried his best to study; as a result, he was a skillful swimmer.

One day, there was a group of children who came to swim in the river behind Narin’s house. Suddenly, he heard a scream from children ‘Help! Help! There was drowned person.” Hearing this, narin picked up the scarf and ran quickly toward the river. Seeing a boy was drowning, he jumped into the river and swam to that boy narin threw his scarf to him for holding. He had swum and dragged that boy until they were out of the water. They villagers were in panic coming to see and save that boy with different activities.
Afterwards, he became conscious and was grateful to Narin. The villagers praised Narin that “Narin is really a good and helpful boy.”

Moral Values

. Helping the other is making friend.

. Make yourself as a good guy will get praise from the other while making yourself as a bad guy will result in curse.

. We have to say “thank you” to someone who has helped us or gave us something.

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