Monday, February 10, 2014

The Dog and the Wolf

There was a bit skinny wolf that had met a big dog. The big dog said, "Brother! Why are you skinny like this? If you're still like this, later or sooner you will die. Why don't you find a master as me?" The wolf replied, "Thank friend! I'm really happy if I can find a place to live." The dog continued, "Don't worry! Come with me" Then, they went together. Along the road, the wolf had seen the fur around the dog's neck falled down piece by piece. He asked, "What's matter with the fur around your neck?" The dog replied, "Oh! Nothing, this is the place where my master put collar no me. It tightens alittlte bit but sooner or later I get used to it." The dog startlingly said, "Oh! If so, I would like to say good bye."

Moral Values
. if you want to have your own freedom, you have to control yourself.
. No one gives us benefit without getting anything back
. You need to be grateful to the one who has supported you.

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