Friday, February 7, 2014

The Fisherman and the Golden Fish

One day, a poor fisherman had caught a golden fish. The golden fish begged him to release and promised to give the fisherman valuable things as an exchange to it. The fisherman agreed to release the golden fish into water. But, the golden fish told him not to tell anyone this story. When the fisherman arrived at his poor cottage, the cottage suddenly turned into a monument and his wife was in a beautiful dress which looked like a queen. The fisherman was really happy.

But, his wife was curious to know the causes of their wealth.
She kept asking him again and again until the fisherman told her the entire thing. When he hadn't finished his story yet, the monument became the cottage as before and all the properties disappeared.

Moral values

. Dare to beg the other as an exchange to something when we are in trouble.

. Keep asking the other again and again can result in bad fortune.

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