Friday, January 31, 2014

Cicada and Ant

During dry season, the cicada danced and sang from one place to the other without worrying in looking for foods and preparing for the next season. The dry season was over, and the rainy season came to replace. There was a heavy rain which made the cicada confronted with starvation. He then flew to borrow some foods from the ant. The ant asked, “Cicada! Why didn’t you try to look for food and prepare it during the dry season? What were you busy with?” The cicada answered, “I was busy with singing.” The ant continued, “Cicada! If before you sing, now continue it because it can make you full.”
The cicada still begged the ant, “Friend! I nearly lost my life to starvation. Can you share me some foods? The ant

responded, “I have some but I need to keep it for my family.

I don’t have much food to share with you.” The cicada was hopeless and then flew away sadly.

Moral Values

. If you don’t prepare, you will be lacking.

. Being independent is better than depending on the other because of laziness in making for a living.

. Property can increase if you save. It can be with you if you keep. It will lose if you are careless. It can be right if you earn in the right way.

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